We'll here we are folks just over half way into February and I don't know about you but all of those fabulous visions and goals for 2023 that we so enthusiastically set ourselves at the beginning of the year, comes down to the realisation that it really is about a big fat dose of self discipline, hard graft and consistence.
h With us living in a day and age where everything is quick and fast; including a constant barrage of news and information that is thrown at us twenty four seven. Social media has is its own phenomenon including shorts and reels on our Facebook and Instagram pages. The trickiest bit is how easily distracting everything is and navigating our way through whilst maintaining the focus. If visions and goals were easy to accomplish then there really wouldn't be any sense of accomplishment. With this in mind, how closely linked are dreams and visions connected to success? If we were to ask Bill Gates or Elon Musk, what was the key to their success what would their response be?
Is it simply that they were born the right side of the track, had the best opportunities in life and have been able to maintain the discipline, hard graft and consistency to achieve their goals? Or have they just got lucky? They were in the right place at the right time?
For me the long term visions that God places in our hearts to build that home we always wanted, or to run a successful business, or to be steady stay at home Mum while the children are at school before we go off travelling the world. All of these require the dedication, focus and commitment required to finish the race. It's just that each of us not only have different visions and goals but we also have different images of what success looks like and what truly matters.
I believe many of our goals and visions if they come from the heart, can be achieved with t discipline, hard work and consistency that is required. Being around like minded people, enables us to stay focused and we can draw inspiration from each other, supporting each other along the way. Passion also helps as we truly believe in what we are doing; patience in the times as we learn through our trials and errors, The slow and steady who burn that is required to win the race takes heaps of fortitude.
Maybe the question should be do we have what it takes to step out, trusting that each step we take is done with a lot of hard work we can achieve all that our hearts desires.